Team Results

Tom Quilty Gold Cup (05-10-2018)
Ride distance: 160.0 km

Standard Restricted
Team Results - Tom Quilty Gold Cup (05-10-2018)
No. Rider Horse Elapsed Time
1st - Mayor's Army
Completions: 3 - Time: 32:24:49
39 Dianne Walsh Razorback Silver Wings 10:32:14
82 Anita Hutchins AT Dial Range Jilly 12:06:08
84 Jaz Hutchins Beer Street Bewitched 09:46:27
118 Robert Walsh Free Spirit Czar Heart Rate L2
2nd - Rushoz
Completions: 4 - Time: 34:26:34
72 Allix Jones Arinya Park Indira 14:29:58
148 Akhmed Pshunov Abbeywood Bella 11:43:24
153 Boadicea Mountford Awarran Park Starlite Shayde 11:12:35
155 Kaylea Maher Longrun Lightning 11:30:35
3rd - Snowy Zone NSW
Completions: 3 - Time: 43:16:01
S Noni Seagrim Charadia Zignzag Lame L2
56 Allan Caslick Littlebanks Muscles 15:42:20
101 Andrew Bailey Twynham El Zephyr 11:51:21
158 Stuart Lymbery Aloha Typic 15:42:20
4th - TEERA Red
Completions: 4 - Time: 45:48:47
61 Trish Smith Beaucheval Akhiran 16:26:57
68 Janine Parr Janarr Shimmering Surprise 13:52:44
69 Angela Hawks Tonki Dee Boo Spider 16:20:07
150 Raelene Smith Acaciavej Silk'n Velvet 15:35:56
5th - TEERA Tortoises
Completions: 3 - Time: 49:14:15
W Greg Henry Bellawongarah Beau 16:00:52
80 Alison Colbeck Beer Street Lizzy B 16:24:20
88 Frances Jordan Diablo On track L4
161 Yvonne Downes Ennovyar Deep Affection 16:49:03
- Oso #1
Completions: 2 -
136 Tayla Hadzi Oso Ngaire Lame L4
141 Tahlia Franke Oso Lee 10:29:49
146 Jamie Green Oso Evita 12:01:22
151 Ben Hudson Oso Ellazandra Lame L4
- Brookleigh Stud
Completions: 2 -
16 Rod Field Brookleigh Louise Heart Rate L3
17 Shimpei Miyamoto Aloha Blue Opal 16:00:21
18 Brook Sample Brookleigh Dylan Lame L2
160 Jessica Langridge Cedar Ridge Lyric 11:06:45
- Archangels
Completions: 2 -
2 Jillian Bourton Veloce Divine Metabolics severe L1
9 Wendy Riha Sterling Soldier 17:01:25
10 Nicola Robinson Sterling Nakeeta 17:01:29
122 Sarah McLaughlin Tonki Dee Boo Shania Heart Rate L3
- Tassie Wombats
Completions: 2 -
40 Mark Dunn Calypso 20:41:21
124 Andrew Miles Prince Niadh On track L3
126 Jessica Goulding Rainbow of Colours 19:08:55
131 Jeremy Ford Anglesea Piccolo Lame L2
- Tenterfield Veterinary Clinic
Completions: 1 -
3 Jennifer Johansen Mimosa Ellira On track L4
4 Luke Annetts Churinga Taboo 14:26:59
7 Kate Appleby Steel Poppy Zen Lame L3
81 Kerryn Agnew Heathfield's Prince Lame L4
- The Leftovers
Completions: 0 -
5 Stephen Gray Revere Shalee Lame L4
13 Maurice Gray Natham Park Estasans Legacy Lame L4
21 Sabrina Stephens Melody Lame L2
70 Karen Fields Indi Lame L3