AERA Horse History for Minton East Chaucer (119529)

Horse Details
Sex DoB Age Colour Height Breed Breed Reg No
Gelding 22-10-2010 14.03 Chestnut 15.1 Arabian G27163
Microchip(s): 982000153681701
Name Breed Breed reg no.
Musical Gully Allegro Arabian S16745
Name Breed Breed reg no.
Minton East Willows Gift Arabian F29620
Endurance Rides
Div. Km Rides
HW 240 3
JN 80 1
LW 566 7
MW 560 5
OP 1020 8
Totals 2466 24
Other Rides
Type Km Rides
Intermediate 331 8
Introductory 103 5
Totals 434 13
State Ride Date Affiliated
Div. Rider Place Distance Time Km. Points
QERA Endurafest FEI Test Event @ Roma 04-05-2024 OP James Sheahan 2 100.0km One Star Open 6:32:45 100.0 9.00
NSWERA Scenic City 03-03-2024 HW James Sheahan 1 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:09:04 80.0 6.00
QERA Oz Endurance 28-10-2023 OP James Sheahan 1 160.0km Three Star Open 12:11:33 160.0 17.00
QERA State Championships @ LoVERS 26-08-2023 NSWERA HW James Sheahan 1 80.0km Endurance Ride 5:21:44 80.0 6.00
QERA Inglewood 03-06-2023 NSWERA OP James Sheahan 1 160.0km Three Star Open 12:13:40 160.0 17.00
NSWERA The Darling River Run 08-04-2023 OP James Sheahan 2 120.0km Two Star Open 8:37:10 120.0 9.00
QERA Oz@Lake Manchester 05-03-2023 HW James Sheahan 4 80.0km Endurance Ride 8:42:00 80.0 2.50
QERA Educational Weekend 29-01-2023 TR James Sheahan - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:43:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Tom Quilty Gold Cup 09-07-2022 MW Stella Harbison 5 160.0km Tom Quilty 12:07:41 160.0 19.00
SAERA Waikerie River Ride 15-05-2022 LW Jessica Aistrope 2 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:19:50 80.0 4.50
SAERA Mil Lel Marathon 17-04-2022 VERA JN Annalise Drever-Borchardt 2 80.0km Endurance Ride 8:24:16 80.0 5.00
SAERA Mil Lel Marathon 15-04-2022 VERA TR Stella Harbison - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:41:54 40.0 -
WAERA Tom Quilty Gold Cup 02-10-2021 MW Jessica Aistrope 1 160.0km Tom Quilty 11:26:32 160.0 18.25
SAERA Sandy Creek 22-08-2021 LW Lynn Ruesseler 1 80.0km Endurance Ride 5:40:00 80.0 6.00
SAERA South Australian State Championships 13-06-2021 MW Gayle Holmes 5 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:28:10 80.0 3.00
SAERA Starkey's Endurance Ride 06-09-2020 MW Stella Harbison 1 80.0km Endurance Ride 5:50:00 80.0 6.00
QERA Stirlings Crossing 05-10-2019 OP Stella Harbison 1 160.0km Three Star Open 11:17:28 160.0 17.00
SAERA Jupiter Creek Endurance Ride 24-08-2019 LW Jessica Aistrope 2 80.0km Endurance Ride 5:40:00 80.0 5.00
QERA Fernvale 01-06-2019 OP Cara Allan 6 120.0km Two Star Open 11:20:00 120.0 5.00
NSWERA Table Top Endurance 21-04-2019 VERA OP Stella Harbison 4 120.0km Two Star Open 10:15:32 120.0 7.00
SAERA Waikerie Endurance Ride 31-03-2019 TR Margot Sims - 17.0km Introductory Ride 2:04:00 17.0 -
SAERA Sandy Creek 22-07-2018 LW Rose Ross 5 82.0km Endurance Ride 8:59:00 82.0 2.00
NSWERA The Rock Championships 10-06-2018 OP Stella Harbison 7 80.0km One Star Open 6:58:55 80.0 1.00
SAERA Farrell Flat 20-05-2018 TR Stella Harbison - 15.0km Introductory Ride 2:01:00 15.0 -
SAERA Glen Gillian 06-05-2018 TR Annalise Drever-Borchardt - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 5:42:00 40.0 -
SAERA Ride For Jacqui 22-04-2018 TR Rose Ross - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:51:00 40.0 -
VERA Harrison F-Truck VERA State Championships 04-11-2017 SAERA LW Jessica Aistrope 6 81.0km Endurance Ride 6:32:18 81.0 1.00
SAERA State Championships Mundulla 30-09-2017 VERA LW Jessica Aistrope 4 83.0km Endurance Ride 7:50:00 83.0 2.50
SAERA Ponderosa Ride Starkeys 10-09-2017 MW Stella Harbison 13 80.0km Endurance Ride 8:54:00 80.0 1.00
SAERA Pink Up Kuitpo 04-06-2016 TR Amily Le - 51.0km Intermediate Ride 5:57:00 51.0 -
SAERA Mount Crawford 10-04-2016 LW Jessica Aistrope 2 80.0km Endurance Ride 8:44:00 80.0 5.00
SAERA Mil-Lel Easter Parade 26-03-2016 VERA TR Katherine Grantham - 20.0km Introductory Ride 2:24:00 20.0 -
SAERA Camberwarra 13-03-2016 TR Amily Le - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:30:00 40.0 -
SAERA Wirrina Cove Trainer 28-02-2016 TR Katherine Grantham - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:55:00 40.0 -
SAERA Wirrina Cove Trainer 27-02-2016 TR Katherine Grantham - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:42:00 40.0 -
SAERA Kersbrook No Frills 02-08-2014 TR Lizzy Wagenaar - 25.0km Introductory Ride 3:52:00 25.0 -
SAERA SA State Championships 12-07-2014 TR Stella Harbison - 25.0km Introductory Ride 3:23:00 26.0 -
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